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【 症例報告 】後頭神経痛・三叉神経痛でお困りの方



30代 女性



細かく問診と触診を行い、関連するツボを押さえると神経痛が瞬時に消失したため、そのツボに関連するサプリメントを提供。そのあとから後頭神経痛は完全に消失したが三叉神経痛がほぼ症状が消失しているがゼロではないとのこと。施術回数:後頭神経痛 1回、三叉神経痛 2回(現在経過観察中)🔍💫🧪

当院ではお体の不調をさまざまな角度からみていきます。当院オリジナルの「経絡栄養療法」は、「問診」「触診」「望診」には時間をかけることで、お体の不調の「本当の原因」を見つけ出します🔍見つけ出したあとは粒鍼で経絡を刺激し、お体の回復に必要な栄養素をご提案いたします💪 「経絡栄養療法」や「分子栄養療法」は、お体の気になる複数の症状が併せて改善される方が多くいらっしゃいます✨⚕️医療機関、鍼灸院、接骨院(整骨院)、整体に通ったけれど一向に良くならない方はぜひ、お気軽にご相談ください🌟
📪298-0002 千葉県いすみ市日在2133-6
#鍼灸接骨院てあて #接骨院 #整骨院
#房総 #鍼灸院 #整体 #マッサージ
#骨折 #早期回復 #リハビリ #あん摩
#指圧 #いすみ市 #夷隅 #ケガ #交通事故
#治療 #労働災害 #労災 #スポーツ
#分子栄養学 #オーソモレキュラー #中医学
#望診 #頭痛 #三叉神経痛 #後頭神経痛
#新型コロナウイルス後遺症 #三叉神経障害

[🎉Case report🎉] Symptoms of occipital neuralgia and trigeminal neuralgia have improved! 🌟✨💆🏻‍♀️ . [Symptoms] Occipital neuralgia/trigeminal neuralgia 🤕✨ [Age] Female, 30s [Concerns] I have had occipital neuralgia (back of the head) almost every day since I was a teenager, and my mother also had headaches. He said he had given up. Also, a month ago, she developed trigeminal neuralgia due to stress, and the pain made her wince. 😰💥 [Treatment details] Meridian nutrition therapy 🌿 [Progress] After careful questioning and palpation, the neuralgia instantly disappeared when I pressed the relevant pressure points, so I provided supplements related to those points. After that, the symptoms of occipital neuralgia completely disappeared, but the symptoms of trigeminal neuralgia almost disappeared, but not completely. Number of treatments: 1 time for occipital neuralgia, 2 times for trigeminal neuralgia (currently under observation) 🔍💫🧪 [For those who are suffering from physical problems] At our clinic, we look at your physical problems from various angles. Our clinic's original ``meridian nutrition therapy'' takes time to ``interview'', ``palpation'', and ``inspection'' to find the ``true cause'' of your body's discomfort.After finding it, we use granular acupuncture. We will stimulate the meridians and suggest the nutrients necessary for your body's recovery 💪 "Meridian nutritional therapy" and "molecular nutritional therapy" often improve multiple symptoms of your body at the same time. We are here ✨⚕️ If you have been to a medical institution, acupuncture clinic, osteopathic clinic, or chiropractor, but you are not feeling better, please feel free to contact us 🌟


投稿者:柔道整復師 藤平規郎